There are many churches of the most different denominations and epochs in Munich. In the following we will introduce to you the most important and most famous houses of prayer.
Frauenkirche - Cathedral of Our Dear Lady
Northwest of Marienplatz, the Frauenkirche, the town’s landmark, is situated. The cathedral “Zu unserer lieben Frau” (To our lovely woman) as it is officially called, was built between 1468 and 1488 according to the plans of Jörg von Halspach. Despite Munich´s fast growth the church towers are still widely visible. Coming from Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Starnberg on the motorway A 95 the two towers will be right ahead.
By the way the towers have different heights. The north tower is 98,57 meters and the south tower 98,45 meters high. The towers remained uncovered until 1525 when the helmed roofs were...

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St. Peter´s church
St. Peter´s church (Alter Peter)
The oldest church in Munich is St. Peter´s in striking distance to Marienplatz. Locals call the tower of St. Peter “Old Peter“ (Alter Peter).
306 steps take visitors to the viewing platform of St. Peter´s church. The view of the inner city of Munich and the Viktualienmarkt is magnificent. On some days the special weather condition “foehn“ makes it possible to see the complete mountain range of the Alps.
Inside the church the remains of Saint Munditia are kept, the patron of single mothers.

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Theatine Church
Theatinerkirche St. Kajetan (Theatine Church)
Between 1663 and 1768 the Theatine Church of St. Cajetan and its dome with two towers was built in Italian high-Baroque style, inspired by Sant´Andrea della Valle in Rome. The church was founded by Elector Ferdinand Maria and his wife, Henriette Adelaide of Savoy, as a gesture of thanks for the birth of the long-awaited heir to the Bavarian crown, Prince Max Emanuel. The couple handed the church over to the Italian Theatine Order.
The inside of the church is dominated by Italian Baroque architecture. In a small chapel there are several burial places. Alongside King Otto of Greece, all ruling members of the...

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St. Johann Nepomuk, Asam Church
In the historic city of Munich St. Johann Nepomuk, better known as Asam Church, is situated. The church was built by two brothers as their private church without an official order. The two builders were able to unite in an confined space the two-story space architecture, painting and sculpture in harmony.
* Photo By Poco a poco (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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