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This western district of Munich is mainly known for its train station München-Pasing. In the past Pasing was an independent city and still today it has a pretty city centre. By the way, Pasing also has a Marienplatz and a Viktualiennmarkt with a high quality food range and a shopping area close by. Through the Stadtpark in Pasing flows the river Würm. It is a nice place to go for a walk. Close to the train station there is the shopping centre Pasing Arcaden.

Obermenzing still has a beautiful village square. After the Second World War it became an elegant residential area. Close by there are the castle grounds of the gothic castle Blutenburg. Today the building accommodates the international youth library and a restaurant.

Every year in the autumn a pottery market takes place with a lot of different handmade pottery. During the weeks before Christmas a Christmas market is held at Schloss Blutenburg which is worth a visit.

(Un)fortunately a very busy road which leads to the motorway A8 is crossing Obermenzing.

Pasing-Obermenzing at a glance!


A small dam wall

A small dam wall


Pasing-Obermenzing - Map

Picture: Map of location: Pasing-Obermenzing

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