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The Michaelibad is the biggest leisure bath in Munich. The Michaelibad offers a big outdoor swimming pool layout as well as a big indoor swimming pool.

In the indoor swimming pool area are a 25-metre-float basin, a beginners´ pool, a parents-children-bath-oasis, smaller mineral water tubs in which several people can sit and a passageway to 34 ° high temperature water outside area even in winter.

Inside of the indoor swimming pool is a 84-m-long adventure slide for parents & children.

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Michaelibad at a glance!




Michaeli-Hallenbad *

Michaeli-Hallenbad Michaeli-Hallenbad Michaeli-Hallenbad


Michaelibad - Map

Picture: Map of location: Michaelibad

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* Photo: SWM/Götzfried

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Holidays from the 1st click!