Friedensengel (Angel of Peace)
Friedensengel (Angel of Peace)
Even from a distance the golden Friedensengel can be seen in the borough Bogenhausen. The statue stands on a column 38 metres high. The angel was built between 1896 and 1899. The monument is a reminder of the 25 peaceful years after the Franco-German war of 1870/71. The sculpture of gilded cast bronze was a collaborative work of artist Henry Düll, Georg Pezold and Max Maier.
Below the column is a small temple with mosaics and portraits of German emperors and Bavarian regents.
The angel of peace is s a replica of the Nike of Paeonius, holding a palm branch and the statue of Pallas Athene. The monument is at the end of Prinzregentenstraße.
In 1981 the angel nearly fell from the column. It was taken away to be restored. Since 1983 it is shining with a new gleam. The position of the wings is slightly steeper compared to its original state.
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